Friday, December 6, 2013

Mr. Grouchy-Pants

Sometimes we all get in moods that completely ruin the entire mood for everyone--and don't say you haven't. We may be grumpy because we failed a test, or our plans were cancelled, or maybe we just feel really sick--but to bring everyone else down with us isn't going to make anything better, if not actually make it worse. 
My younger brother is at that age where he's always grumpy and moody--and when it's particularly extreme, it brings everyone else down. For example, tonight we were seeing my mother and he wanted to go to the mall with his friends. My mother wouldn't let him because she wanted to spend time with us while we were there. He proceeded to yell, stomp, proclaim his hate for all of us, and ruin what could have been a great night. However, my mother and I decided to go along as if he wasn't miserable because his plans fell through (as if thirteen year olds actually have real plans--I know I didn't, but that's just my opinion).
When I'm in a bad mood, I try not to make it obvious to anyone and try to still be happy. Unfortunately, if something particularly bothers me, I have an episode of lashing out, but it's always laughed off. And that's the way to get over your bad mood--laugh it off. It's healthy, it's comfortable, and sometimes helps you forget whatever is making you aggravated to begin with.
Another way to deal with grouchiness is meditating and calming yourself down. Sometimes when I'm upset and grumpy, I go to my little happy place, calm down, and think over my situation. What's important to remember is that it's never as bad as it seems, and if all you are is grouchy, it's easy to get over.
So if you're being Mr. or Mrs. Grouchy-Pants, think carefully over your situation and your attitude before you decide to bring everyone else down with you. Because not only do they not deserve it, but it's not worth it to make you and everyone else upset. So chill out and have fun.

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